THz radiation and THz Spectroscopy


Terahertz (=1012) wave (THz wave) is new electromagnetic wave between infrared wave and millimeter wave (see figure 1).

THz waves have some advantages over conventional FIR sources.

High Intensity 

 SNR > 108


Detectable at room temperature

Short time width

~ 1ps

 Broad bandwidth 100GHz ~ 10THz (l = 3 mm-30 mm)
Electric fields of the electromagnetic wave are observable.                                                                                                                                         

In our laboratory, we investigate radiation mechanisms of the THz radiation from semiconductor surfaces by femtosecond laser pulse irradiation and low-energy dynamics in THz region.

Electric field waveform of THz radiation

Experimental layout


Recent Publication
Competing terahertz radiation mechanisms in semi-insulating InP at high-density excitation
M. Nakajima, Y. Oda, and T. Suemoto, Applied Physics Letters, 85, 2694-2696 (2004).

Polarity reversal of the magnetic field induced component of terahertz radiation from InAs surfaces at high density excitation
M. Nakajima, Y. Oda, T. Suemoto, and S. Saito, Applied Physics Letters, 85, 4597-4599 (2004).